Hertford and Stortford featured in The Observer, in article on Brexit
The Observer for 22 Jan has a super article by Patrick Maguire on reactions to Brexit in East Herts, particularly in the light of Theresa May's speech on 17 Jan. In it, one of our new members, Louie Corpe, is interviewed, talking about the shock of Brexit and what's happened since. He's not alone: in the 48 hours after that speech, our local party gained 18 new members. The article says:
'Theresa May's announcement that Britain will quit the single market in order to control migration has left remainers such as Corpe, a self-defining European who grew up in France and still spends most of his week in London, in no doubt as to who is winning: "Frankly, I'm feeling no better than I did in June. Since then, Brexit had been looming in the background - but May's speech was like a punch in the gut. It feels very real all over again. It's almost too unpleasant to be real."'
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