Local LibDems Delighted with Rejection of the Schools' Move Applications

LibDem Councillors, Mike Wood, Andy Graham, Bob Taylor and Mione Goldspink all spoke forcefully against the six planning applications submitted by the Herts & Essex and Bishop's Stortford High Schools.
The District Council's Development Control Committee followed Officers' advice and unanimously rejected all six applications at a special meeting held at the Charis Centre, Water Lane on Thursday 30th September .
Nearly three hundred members of the public attended the meeting and, such was the strength of public opinion and concern, the speeches alone (both for and against) lasted nearly one and a half hours. Sixteen members of the public spoke against the plans and three for the applicants.
During the weeks leading up to the meeting, East Herts Planning Officers received 991 letters of objection and one letter of support, plus 2975 petition signatures (both on-line and by hard copy).
So, the town's residents have shown their strength and won round two.
However, it is quite possible that, like Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in the Terminator films, they'll be back - either by going straight to appeal or by submitting further revised plans.