New Incinerator Proposal at Ratty’s Lane, Hoddesdon
The Broxbourne Liberal Democrats are actively opposing the proposed incinerator plant in Hoddesdon. Veolia has put forward this location for a new incinerator in Hertfordshire despite previously deciding it was ill-suited for a plant of this kind.
We oppose the proposal for these reasons (among others):
The proposal will increase pollution in the air and surrounding greenbelt land - The Lea Valley. The fact that the building is inside of the valley means that pollution from its chimneys will have trouble dispersing. This is pollution that all residents of Broxbourne will be breathing in.
The surrounding infrastructure is not designed for the extra vehicles that the incineration plant will place on Broxbourne's roads. Veolia's plans include 268 vehicle movements to and from the site 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This will add strain to our already poorly maintained roads and bridges.
The site is poorly located for the extra traffic it will create. Veolia has promised to minimise HGV moments at peak times, such as on the school run, but there is no way to actually enforce this if the incinerator gets built. It will had lots of traffic to our already busy streets!
The proposed building is huge! It will have a significant visual impact on the local area and be seen from public spaces located around it.
The site stands to have very little benefit to the local economy. It will create very little in the way of local employment opportunities and will have waste being driven in from Essex and Greater London.
For a full list of our objections to this proposal you can download the letter of objection sent to the planning department by clicking this link
If you would like to get involved in opposing the incinerator get in contact with us! You can also object on the Hoddesdon against incineration website by clicking this link